Ágnes Melinda Kovács

Associate Professor

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
5th floor, Room C508.
+43 1 25230 7496

My research focuses on how the developing human mind manages to make sense of the complex social and physical world. I am interested in the basic cognitive mechanisms that are present very early on in development, and allow infants to learn from social partners and about social partners, both with incredible ease and efficiency. On the one hand, I investigate the mechanisms very young infants have to develop to learn from the complex input they receive from their social partners, while learning about language or about human made artefacts. On the other hand, my research focuses on the mechanisms infants need to employ to learn about social partners, especially about their invisible mental states, such as goals and beliefs. A great part of my work targets processes that allow sustaining simultaneously multiple representations of the world, which are fundamental in various domains, such as bilingual language acquisition or reasoning about other people's mental states that can be different from one’s own mental states. 


PhD Students Supervised:

Dóra Fogd

Bálint Varga

Ieva Lukosiunaite (secondary supervisor)

Vanda Derzsi (secondary supervisor)

Maja Blesic

Maria Mavridaki 

Bartuğ Çelik

Anna Kispál

PhD Students Graduated:

Dóra Kampis

Martin Freundlieb (co-supervisor)

Eszter Szabó

Paula Fischer (secondary supervisor)


From the media:

New research shows how babies’ behavior is influenced by those around them/Mirage News

A gyerekek már 3 évesen képesek a felnőttekéhez hasonló döntésekre /Index

Mi alapján döntenek a 18-36 hónapos gyerekek / HVG

Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology / APA

ERC Starting Independent Research Grant